The Book of Acts: Road Trip

In Acts 13:4-43 Paul and Barnabas are on the first Missionary Journey.   Along the way they will encounter people from every walk of life.   Missions is more about who you are rather than where you are.   Armed with the the knowledge of who they are and the Gospel they begin the journey or personal sacrifice and the expansion of the Kingdom.  

Road Trip
Acts 13:4-43

  1. We will find people who are interested.
  2. We will find people who oppose.
  3. We will find people who respond. 

  1. Verses 4-5: Why do you think Paul and Barnabas went first to the Jewish synagogues to proclaim the word of God?
  2. Verses 9-12: What does Paul’s confrontation with Elymas the sorcerer teach us about spiritual opposition and the power of the gospel?
  3. Verses 16-25: Why does Paul begin his sermon with a summary of Israel’s history? How does this connect to his main message about Jesus?
  4. Verses 32-37: How does Paul use the Old Testament scriptures to support his claim about Jesus’ resurrection?
  5. Verses 38-41: What is the significance of Paul’s emphasis on justification by faith rather than the law of Moses?
  6. Verses 42-43: Why do you think the Gentiles were so interested in hearing more about the message of Paul and Barnabas?

Application Questions
  1. Verses 4-5: In what ways can we be intentional about where and how we share the gospel in our own contexts?
  2. Verses 9-12: How can we remain steadfast in our faith when faced with opposition or spiritual challenges?
  3. Verses 16-25: How can recounting God’s faithfulness in history and in our own lives help us to share the gospel with others?
  4. Verses 32-37: How can we use scripture effectively to communicate the truth of the resurrection to those who may not believe?
  5. Verses 38-41: What does it mean to you personally that through Jesus, everyone who believes is set free from every sin?
  6. Verses 42-43: How can we encourage one another to continue in the grace of God and remain steadfast in our faith?