The Book of Acts: Healing, Heroes, and Humility

In Acts 14:1-18 Paul and Barnabas share the Gospel in Iconium and Lystra.    These encounters are not without challenge.   Signs and wonders create an uproar and a bit of confusion about who is the One True God.   Paul gives us an example to follow as he allows God to use him in a miraculous way all the while giving the glory back to God.

Healing, Heroes and Humility
Acts 14:1-18

1. Healing is a gift from God  
2. Ordinary men are not God
3. Humble voices carry further

Discussion Questions

1. In Acts 14:8-10, a man who has been lame from birth is healed by Paul. What can we learn about the nature of faith and healing from this incident? How does the healing of the lame man impact the people of Lystra? What are their immediate reactions?
2. Compare and contrast the response of the people in Iconium with the people in Lystra to Paul and Barnabas's message and miracles. What does this tell us about different ways people can react to the Gospel? How did Paul and Barnabas handle the opposition and the praise differently in these cities, and what lessons can we learn from their responses?
3. How can we balance recognizing and using our God-given gifts and talents while maintaining a posture of humility?
4. Have you or someone you know experienced a form of healing that you attribute to God? How did this experience affect your faith and the faith of those around you?