The Book of Acts: Wake Up

In Acts 20:1-12, during Paul’s long sermon, a young man named Eutychus, seated in a window, falls asleep and tumbles three stories to his death. This moment serves as a powerful metaphor for spiritual slumber and the dangers of becoming spiritually disconnected.  However, Paul rushes down, embraces Eutychus, and through God’s power, the young man is revived. This miracle not only restores Eutychus to life but also brings great encouragement to the believers present.

Wake Up
Acts 20:1-12

Identifying Marks of Spiritual Sleep
1. Disregard for the Gathering
2. Indifference in the Presence of the Spirit
3. Disconnected from the Saints
4. No Appearance of Life
5. Conformity to Your Personal Standard

Discussion Questions
1. What stands out to you most about the story of Eutychus falling asleep during Paul’s sermon?
2. Why do you think Luke, the author of Acts, included this story in the narrative? What lessons can we learn from Eutychus’ experience?
3. What do you observe about Paul’s reaction to Eutychus’ fall?
4. In what ways can Christians today fall into spiritual slumber or complacency? What are some signs that someone might be spiritually asleep?
5. What factors might contribute to spiritual slumber in a believer’s life? Consider distractions, weariness, lack of engagement with the Word, etc.
6. Have you ever experienced a season of spiritual slumber? What contributed to it, and how did you come out of it?
7.  What are some practical steps we can take to stay spiritually alert and engaged with God’s Word and His people?
8.How can our community (disciple group/church) support each other in staying spiritually awake and avoiding spiritual fatigue?