We Are One

We Are One
Ephesians 4:1-6

One of the most beautiful and powerful aspects of the Christian faith is the unity we share in Christ. But unity isn't something that happens automatically—it requires effort, intentionality, and a deep commitment to living out the values of the gospel.

Sermon Outline
1. Unity is Gods Desire
2. Unity is Gods Design
3. Unity Takes Work

Discussion Questions
1. Paul urges believers to "live a life worthy of the calling you have received." What does it mean to live a life worthy of God's calling, especially when it comes to the issue of unity? How do we sometimes fail to live out this calling in our relationships within the church?
2. Paul highlights humility, gentleness, patience, and love as key virtues that promote unity. Which of these virtues do you find most challenging to practice in your relationships with others? Why? How can these virtues help overcome conflict or division within the body of Christ? Can you think of a specific situation where you’ve seen one of these virtues help maintain or restore unity?
3. Paul lists several "ones": one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father. How does focusing on what unites us (rather than what divides us) change our perspective? Which of the "ones" stands out to you the most, and why? How can these theological truths shape our attitudes toward other believers, especially those with whom we may disagree?
4.Paul says unity is maintained “through the bond of peace,” which is empowered by the Holy Spirit. How does the Holy Spirit help us live out unity, and how can we be more sensitive to His leading in promoting peace?

Prayer Focus:
  • Ask the group to pray for a deeper understanding of the gospel’s call to unity.
  • Pray for specific situations in the group where unity may be challenged.
  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to empower the group to embody the virtues of humility, patience, and love in all relationships